Mobile Phone Capacity Reduction Technologies: A Quiet Explosion

 Mobile Phone Capacity Reduction Technologies: A Quiet Explosion

Everyone knows that cellular communications have seen an absolutely incredible growth in capability. It seems like every month brings a new set of capabilities for individuals to enjoy with their mobile phones. With the exception of making toast and burping the infant, modern cell phones can now capture pictures, monitor your calendar, send text messages or emails, and access the internet. On the other hand, there is a subtler revolution happening simultaneously with the technological revolution in mobile phones' capabilities, and its aim is to prevent cell phones from performing their functions.

The inevitable need for restrictions is inevitable in a system where nearly any individual can connect with almost anyone, anywhere, and cell phone conversations are as ubiquitous as they are. This requirement is becoming increasingly important in regards to specific kinds of establishments where it is not only unsavory but potentially harmful for cell phones to be operational. Here are a few prime instances where cell phone service is absolutely NOT wanted:

Inmates in certain prisons have the ability to use them in order to plot unlawful acts.

classified regions and to limit terrorist activity within federal buildings.

Places of worship, such mosques, where the use of cell phones could disturb religious services.

Institutions dealing with money, such as banks, where cell phones could be utilized for terrorist attacks or robberies.

You are asked to keep cell phones off during performances at theaters and concert halls.

Places like hospitals or airplanes where mobile phone use might interfere with machinery.

Putting up a sign stating that mobile phones should be used is not effective in safeguarding a building from cell phone operation. You can still use the phones as a homing device or to disrupt critical equipment if you leave them on. Therefore, for the facility's cell phone blocking technology to work, it must be able to temporarily disable all incoming cell phone signals before re-enabling them as soon as the device leaves the facility's region.

This is no easy task, and existing technology tends to cause more issues than they solve. In essence, the issue can be resolved in three ways.

(1) Scary. Someone installs a gadget that can pick up the signals from people's mobile phones. Notifications are sent out to remind the user to turn off their cell phone whenever the signal is detected. A sign prohibiting cell phones would serve the same purpose, thus there's no real improvement here. Compliance is key, and once inside, the user can simply power on the phone again.

Step two: Upset. Jamming, literally "sending out a disruptive signal to jam the cell phone while in the facility," is another name for this practice. Machines, humans, and animals are all at risk when jamming is used, and it is even banned in some nations.

3. Derailment. This method picks up on the signal a cell phone is giving to a tower in order to be acknowledged and then mimics that signal, fooling the phone into thinking it is still in touch with the tower even when it isn't. Since the tower is unaware of its presence, no calls can be received, and conversely, no calls can be made since the phone is not online.

Distraction is the most likely to provide a long-term solution out of the three options. Any company that employs the distraction approach for cell phone management is likely to experience quick expansion, so keep an eye on this business trend. Success in this market will go to that company.

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